February 24, 2007

In The Rough

The men of our church had a golf scramble today at a local golf course. The goal was to invite some people folks who we don't know very well to play with us and fellowship with us while enjoying a good golf scramble. I had only played golf once before in my entire lifetime but I figured it would be time to get to know some men through fellowship, so I signed up.

Well the day starts with me getting up 3 hours earlier than I do for work...I was not too excited about that part. Then we get to the course and almost everyone goes to the driving range and start wailing on those poor golf balls...at this point I knew I was way out of my league. We were going to draw names for teams so I was hoping I would land a team that would not get mad at my lack of golf skills because everyone looked good by 7:30am. I on the other hand did not want to embarrass myself missing a swing at the range.

Lucky for me I landed a team where the other guys had not played in years...they still had a better game than me but we were all glad that we weren't good and were in the same boat together. The whole point of the scramble was to fellowship and have fun and that's just what we did! Plus I got to meet some cool guys that I might not have met if I had not of gone to the scramble.

The only thing left is to see what weird muscles I will wake up sore with because I don't swing a golf club on a regular basis. The mystery is already making me ache.


Mimi said...

I would imagine it's the lower back that'll be achin' bacon!

Unknown said...

It's actually my fore-arms!

Mimi said...

that is killer. I got sore fore-arms when I picked up violin lessons last summer. It HURTS!

You know what's nice...There is some minty lotion that gramma has...You should ask her for a massage - via air waves, er something.