October 14, 2008

the gorilla suit

Today is Olivia’s birthday and last night Amy and I picked her up and took her out for dinner to celebrate. Amy could not make it to her party this past Saturday so we agreed to take her out another night. So we picked her up and went to eat at Red Robin which is pretty close to their house. We figured it was a lively place to go since she is turning 4 today she would enjoy it. When the servers came out singing her a birthday song with an ice cream sundae she froze…it was too funny.

The best part of last night was when we went to Target afterward. Amy wanted to buy her something and as they looked around I went off looking for a pumpkin carving tool kit, since that is what we are doing tonight with our friends, then they came looking for me. Naturally the kits were near all of the costumes and Olivia went over and started looking at them. Well there was this full body gorilla suit. The front side of the gorilla suit was rubber as it was the chest and they had no hair on the chest. Of course the gorilla chest had nipples on it. Then we hear “BOOBIES!” as Olivia is pointing at it and then everyone within hearing distance looks toward our direction. And of course…she said it more than once. As somewhat embarrassing as it was…it was way too funny.

Maybe it was something that you had to be there for to be funny. But Amy and I had a really good laugh…so I thought I would share.

1 comment:

Josh said...

you forgot to mention that Olivia is 14 years old - weird